
September 20, 2011

+ Video: Miraculous Image of Jesus Christ?

One day, while praying, Ruth Werkowski looked up at her nearby television. On the blank screen emerged a miraculous image of Jesus Christ. Her witness video is available at the end of this posting. Click on the video to watch her testimony.

September 16, 2011

x Another banking crisis? We were warned.

[4/19/14 UPDATE: Statement of Archdiocese of Dublin on Alleged Visionary "Maria Divine Mercy" declares: "... these messages and alleged visions have no ecclesiastical approval and many of the texts are in contradiction with Catholic theology."] 

"Satan is everywhere today -
in the Church, in the law, in medicine,
in science, in the press and in the arts.
But there is an area where he is 
for the greatest part running the show
and that is in the banks."
Deceased Austrian visionary, 
Maria Simma,
early 1990s

Here we go again. It appears that the global banking crisis of 2008 was just a warm up.

When I first read the above prophecy, I thought it sounded silly. At that time, I was focused on other global trends: drug addiction, abortion, pornography and human trafficking, violent crime, the decadent messages of Hollywood, and the anti-Christian themes in the popular culture, for examples. But central bankers and international investment bankers? Their schemes weren't even on my radar screen. After all, they dress nicely and have polite manners.

September 15, 2011

+ Do not fear The Warning

Friends, Lyn and Vinny, forwarded to me an email regarding a European woman who claims to be communicating holy visions and who prefers to be known as Maria Divine Mercy. Her extensive messages, since November 9, 2010, appear to be very consistent with other prophecies regarding The Warning and Chastisement from God. However, her messages offer us words of comfort and encouragement. Some of those short excerpts are listed below. Much more detailed messages may be found at www.TheWarningSecondComing.com. She is reportedly submissive to the Magisterium of the Church but, of course, these are private revelations and your Spiritual discernment is recommended. [4/19/14 UPDATE: Statement of Archdiocese of Dublin on Alleged Visionary "Maria Diving Mercy" declares: "... these messages and alleged visions have no ecclesiastical approval and many of the texts are in contradiction with Catholic theology. These messages should not be promoted or made use of within Catholic Church associations."

Reported words of Jesus Christ, September 7, 2011: "...tell My precious children that they must not be fearful of The Warning. Many will feel frightened and this is understandable. But they must listen carefully to Me. I will come to each of you. You will see Me and feel Me in your heart and soul. My presence will flood your souls with the purest of love and compassion so you should be joyful. At last you will see Me and your soul will be enveloped with love and excitement.

September 12, 2011

++ Carmelo Cortez is coming to New York


With thanks to my beautiful Christian sister, Elsye, I want to pass on this information regarding the upcoming visit of visionary Carmelo Cortez, to New York:

Since 1991, a young Filipino man, Carmelo Cortez, has had numerous experiences of the Madonna and is able to manifest detailed images of the Christ, Mary, and others onto rose petals. Healings have also been associated with these phenomena.
In June 1991, Cortez, age 21, was living in a squatters' area in San Francisco Del Monte in Quezon City. He was given a picture of the Madonna, which he placed on an altar. The following night he heard a soft voice and the sound of beautiful music. Cortez followed the voice and found it was emanating from the picture. The Madonna was shedding tears of blood and the baby Jesus in the altar appeared to be catching the tears with one hand. The picture was later placed on a church altar, and a relative of Cortez was healed of a fever.

Two days later, Cortez said he was again awakened by beautiful music, and the Madonna began giving him messages. Since that time, Cortez has seen and talked to the Madonna more than 100 times.