
December 26, 2012

+++ A prophet, resting in peace

Blessed Anna Maria Taigi
Standing over the glass-encased tomb of Blessed Anna Maria Taigi, one senses her serenity. With rosary in hand and eyes closed in prayer, a slight smile crosses her lips. Her seemingly peaceful slumber is comfortingly natural, even 175 years after her death.

The life of this Spiritually gifted woman, however, was not so serene.

Anna Maria Masi was born into a devout and loving Siena family in 1769. The Masis struggled financially and, even though Anna Maria worked hard to help support her family, a lack of employment opportunities in Siena forced them to move to Rome.

Eventually, she married Dominico Taigi, who was not wealthy, but from nobility. So, for a while, the newlyweds gladly experienced the pleasures of high society.